10 Live Observations From WWE Las Cruces
8. Kalisto Is Incredibly Over In The Borderland

Due to Las Cruces' close proximity to El Paso, Texas, and by extension, the Texas-Mexico border, it wasn't too surprising to see the crowd rally behind Kalisto in full force. There was a genuinely incredible pop for the luchador, with some of the loudest "lucha, lucha" chants you could possibly imagine.
Not only that, but during his match against Curt Hawkins, Kalisto continued to prove that despite being green on the mic, he is incredible in the ring. In being given the opportunity to have a decent-length match and showcase all he has, Kalisto brought his A-game and then some, with the aforementioned chants continuing to ring loudly throughout the contest.
After what can only be described as a clinic in lucha libre, Kaliso hit the Salida Del Sol and defeated Hawkins handily. Going into his handicap match with Apollo Crews against Dolph Ziggler at Elimination Chamber, Kalisto looked better than ever, and despite the dodgy nature of that match, the fact remains that the man has now picked up his first pay-per-view victory in some time. One can only hope that is in-ring ability has finally started to shine through to the higher ups, and he will be returning to prominence sometime soon.