10 Lockdown Era WWE Superstars You Totally Don't Remember

7. Jessi Kamea

Jeet Rama WWE

NXT manager Robert Stone liked what he saw from Jessi Kamea, so the motor-mouthed throwback to gaffer glories of yesteryear signed her up and started representing Jessi via his Robert Stone Brand during the pandemic. That was as close as Kamea would get to earning her stripes in WWE's system after years of PC work.

Jessi teamed with fellow RSB member Aliyah during the Women's Dusty Rhodes Classic in early-2021, but the pair were eliminated from the brackets in the first round. WWE gave Kamea and Aliyah another chance as a team by booking them vs. Sarray and Zoey Stark on the NXT TakeOver: In Your House pre-show though.

Hey, a chance is a chance!

Kamea wrestled for Evolve during her 2017-2021 WWE run, but she didn't actually get her start there. She was a project in the Performance Center - Jessi was recruited then taught how to wrestle. The Evolve excursions were strictly to get experience under her belt.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.