10 Lockdown Era WWE Superstars You Totally Don't Remember

6. August Grey

Jeet Rama WWE

If you struggled to remember Curt Stallion, then you've got no chance with August Grey. He teamed with ol' Stallion a bunch of times on NXT and 205 Live. The pair even buddied up with Ashante Adonis to work Legado del Fantasma (the original version) in a dark match spot at TakeOver: War Games in December 2020.

When Grey did work matches for the cameras, they were sporadic. He wrestled two quickfire losses vs. Timothy Thatcher on episodes of NXT in October and November 2020, then stared at the lights for future megastar LA Knight on the 17 March 2021 edition. Most of August's matches took place on 205.

He won a fair number of them too.

Grey could boast about wins over the likes of Tony Nese, Jake Atlas and Ariya Daivari. WWE clearly didn't believe August had legs as an ongoing concern beyond that though, because they cut him from the roster in June 2021. 

His WWE is a tiny drop in the ocean of his wider career. As Anthony Henry, the former Grey has established himself amongst the American independent scene's finest workers over the past decade or so, while also earning AEW/ROH spots with WorkHorsemen partner JD Drake at the same time. A fabulous wrestler woefully underused by the Fed.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.