10 Longest Gaps Between World Title Reigns In WWE History

4. Brock Lesnar - 10 years 11 months 2 days

The Miz title reigns

The man who beat The Rock at SummerSlam 2002 also beat him to fourth place on this list.

The Next Big Thing captured his first world title that night and would win the championship twice more over the next eighteen months or so. His third reign began on an episode of SmackDown in September 2003. He bested Kurt Angle in a grueling Iron Man match, before dropping the belt to Eddie Guerrero four months later. Lesnar never got his rematch, because he would be gone from the company the very next month.

Brock spent the next eight years following various non-wrestling pursuits; football, MMA, depleting Canada's deer population by 85%. But the allure of Vince McMahon's cheque book was far too strong and Brock was back in WWE by 2012.

By 2014, he'd annihilated Big Show at the Royal Rumble, snapped The Undertaker's WrestleMania streak, and was booked to face John Cena for the WWE Championship at SummerSlam. What happened next was less of a wrestling match and more of a Greek Tragedy.

Lesnar decimated Cena in a now-famous squash and won the championship with ease. Not only was this Lesnar's first title win in almost 11 years, it was the beginning of his iron grip on the main event that is still around to this very day.

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The Miz
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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.