10 Longest Reigning United States Champions Ever

8. Steve Austin/Shelton Benjamin (240 Days)

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The only men tied on this list are Steve Austin and Shelton Benjamin. 

Obviously, both guys held the United States Title during different eras, but they can both claim title reigns of 240 days. Austin's best run fell in WCW, whereas Benjamin held the title several times in WWE.

At Starrcade 1993, Austin vanquished Dustin Rhodes in a 2 Out Of 3 Falls Match to bag the belt. His reign lasted up until he was defeated by Ricky Steamboat in a wonderful 20-minute match at WCW's Clash Of The Champions XXVIII on August 24, 1994. This would be Austin's longest reign as a singles champion in WCW.

For Benjamin, a victory over Matt Hardy at The Great American Bash 2008 started his 240 day run as United States Champion. Much like Cesaro, he was booked to lose the title on free television, staring at the lights for MVP on the March 17, 2009 edition of SmackDown. How innocuous. 

Austin's title reign may have been more prominent, but the length of his longest run with the championship was exactly the same as the one enjoyed by 'The Gold Standard'.

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Lex Luger
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