10 Longest Reigning United States Champions Ever

7. Ric Flair (265 Days)

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Ric Flair is regarded as one of the greatest World Champions in the history of pro wrestling. In addition to his recognised 16 reigns with the top title, Flair also held the United States Title on 6 different occasions. 

Remarkably, his longest came during the 1970's.

In his hometown of Charlotte, North Carolina on April 9, 1978, the 'Nature Boy' captured the title for the second time by defeating Mr. Wrestling. His first reign had lasted a scant 84 days, not enough to earn a place in the history books, but his follow up run lasted for 265 days in total.

It wasn't until Ricky Steamboat (there's that name again) came along on December 30, 1978 that Flair lost the gold. He'd win the US Title for a third time in April, 1979, but that 133 day run couldn't come close to the one he experienced the second occasion he held the famous title.

Across his 6 reigns, Flair held the United States Title for 785 days, with his 235 day run being one of the longest singular tenures as champion ever.

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Lex Luger
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