10 Longest Reigning United States Champions Ever

3. Dean Ambrose (351 Days)

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Dean Ambrose is someone many fans would like to see regularly involved in the WWE World Heavyweight Title picture. 

A few years ago, he was considered by some to be the most realistic first World Champion in the ranks of The Shield. That didn't come to pass, both Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns have managed to capture that title before Ambrose.

At least Dean can point to his success as United States Champ, he once held that particular championship for a whopping 351 days. As aforementioned during an earlier entry, long title reigns such as that aren't exactly common in pro wrestling today, especially not in WWE.

Therefore, the run experienced by Ambrose must be considered one of the most unique in recent years. At Extreme Rules 2013 on May 19 of that year, he defeated Kofi Kingston in a short match to win the title. 

He'd only lose it just shy of a full year later on May 5, 2014 when he was lastly eliminated from a Battle Royal by Sheamus on Monday Night Raw.

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Lex Luger
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