10 Longest WWE Royal Rumble Performances With ZERO Eliminations
9. Mike Knox - 2009

Lasted 32:42.
By 2009, the pomp and circumstance that came every January was beginning to fizzle out, now acting as an Elimination Chamber or a Hell in a Cell; a pay-per-view that takes place at a certain time of the year because hey, it's January, this is a gimmick pay-per-view month.
John Cena’s deafening return at the 2008 Rumble as its final entrant remained the last great Rumble moment for nearly a decade, not being broken until AJ Styles’ 2016 debut - and even then the moment still fell a tad flat, the live feed focusing on Roman Reigns’ reaction rather than Styles himself.
So in 2009, how did WWE try and combat this?
By having Mike bloody Knox spend half an hour in the ring.
Yes, the future Knux of Aces & Eights spent thirty-two minutes and forty-two seconds in his only Royal Rumble appearance, entering at number twelve and surviving until being dumped from the ring by Big Show. No eliminations were made by Knox, as was expected, and no one really cared - or noticed - when ‘Tall Paul’ unceremoniously dumped him out of the ring.