10 Lost Gimmicks WWE Should Bring Back

4. OTT Fitness Freak

Batista Simon Dean

Hands up any fellow Simon Dean marks out there.

That...isn't a lot of hands. Anyway, WWE should definitely re-air the glory of the "Simon System" and spark a fitness instructor gimmick comeback for the ages. Being honest, this could go hand in hand with the prior entry about social media influencers and their clear 'me, me, me' vibes.

Body shaming is obviously a very sensitive subject in 2023, so creative would have to be real careful here. They couldn't, for example, have Simon Dean 2K23 come out on SmackDown and cruelly poke fun at anyone's weight. So, how could it work? Well, to sum it up, they'd simply talk about themselves first and foremost whilst pretending to be the apex of physical conditioning.

The fact this Dean knock off would be accidentally-on-purpose chastising wrestlers who are already fit and firing would make this revised gimmick the butt of their own jokes. To be clear, this fan just fancies seeing someone have another stab at a character WWE didn't seem to get back in 2004-2005.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.