10 Lost Gimmicks WWE Should Bring Back

2. Stunt Double

Batista Simon Dean

The slightly lower-quality sunglasses, the way he walked like a goof, the toy replica versions of titles - oh yes, Damien Sandow nailed his time as The Miz's stunt double. The renamed Damien Mizdow (which was also fantastic) will never get enough credit for the thought he put into that character.

It needs to happen again for somebody else.

A midcard heel such as Chelsea Green would be perfect for this. Chelsea's on screen behaviour is absurd anyway, so it'd be fun to see someone else mimic her actions and go even more over the top with them for a laugh. WWE could get some proper laughs out of this gimmick.

If not Green, then perhaps Pretty Deadly would cut it. They're already OTT, so having a young upstart tag team shadow them and go even further overboard would produce some hilarious TV. Just make sure they call Damien for tips ahead of the grand debut.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.