10 Ludicrous Pro Wrestling Quirks

8. Forgetting History

Just how many times has The Big Show turned since he entered the wacky world of WWE in 1999? That's a question which would surely win a grand prize at some wrestling-related quiz night, but it paints a maddening picture of how WWE expect viewers to forget what happened last time around. When wrestlers turn, WWE want you to forget their immediate history. A sweeping statement, for sure, and there are exceptions, but it's difficult to see the logic behind repeatedly turning someone heel or babyface, with little regard for what fans already know about the person's character. The Big Show flies between being a dominating heel one week, to being a gentle giant the next, and it defies all logic. Real people don't act that way, so why does it need to be so black and white in the wrestling world? There are video compilations online which pull together large numbers of clips showing Show crying his eyes out, like a giant baby. When that happens one month, and he's all of a sudden an unstoppable monster the next, it kind of takes fans out of the moment.
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.