10 Ludicrous Pro Wrestling Quirks

7. Deadly Submissions Are Easy To Escape

Relating nicely back to the argument of how near falls are used in wrestling, submissions need a rethink. At the very least, dangerous, severely painful submission holds should not be used as transitions - that attitude may be fine for chinlocks, or even Sleeper Holds, but when one wrestler has another tied up like a pretzel, the element of danger to the match should be accentuated. Instead, announcers simply talk over most of these holds are though they aren't even happening, which in turn does not sell the danger one bit. Selling is a big problem in modern professional wrestling, as the industry has never moved faster inside the ring than it does today, but surely the agents helping piece together each match should be advising the talent on what holds to use in moderation? When a grappler easily breaks free of a painful-looking move, it doesn't sell the importance or threat of it one iota. Submissions, especially ones which look the part, should be treated with more respect, otherwise fans will yawn their way through them, rather than hoping their favourites can survive.
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.