10 Ludicrous Pro Wrestling Quirks

5. Triple H's Rubber Sledgehammer

Obviously, using a genuine sledgehammer would be pretty darn dangerous, and it's fair to say that wrestlers neither want nor need the added pressure of taking care to not cave in their co-worker's cranium with a weapon during the heat of the moment. Steel chairs are somewhat different, because they have become such an accepted part of the industry that it's almost become Pro Wrestling 101 to belt someone else with the object. Triple H's trademark sledgehammer is instead made up of two things, wood and rubber. It's convincingly made, at least aesthetically, and does look the part when The Game drills his onrushing foe with it, or clubs them in the spine as he did Shawn Michaels in 2002. One thing that cannot be avoided however, is that rubber bounces. It made for quite the rotten moment during the - otherwise-captivating - confrontation between Sting and Triple H at Fastlane, to see HHH drop his sledgehammer to ringside, and watch it bounce several feet in the air off the plastic mats. Fans at ringside were seen visibly laughing at the incident, which isn't good.
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Triple H
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.