10 Ludicrous Pro Wrestling Quirks

4. Entrance Music Is Always Queued Up

Watch any episode of Monday Night Raw, Smackdown or Impact Wrestling, and it'll be rare to find one broadcast where a wrestler isn't interrupted by the entrance music of another, whether that be mid-sentence or mid-match. This is a nifty nuance devised to make the intruding performer's arrival have more impact, and it does work, but that's not to say it makes a whole load of sense! Basically, if the wrestler is appearing as a surprise, why do the production staff know to line up his/her titantron video and entrance music? Such a remark may seen tenuous, this is pro wrestling after all, the most brilliant mix of sports, drama and theatre available in entertainment. However, even if that's true, it's baffling when a wrestler leaves the arena in some form or fashion, returning during the main event to make their presence felt, and their flashy music/video combination blares into the arena alongside them. There have been examples of wrestlers not coming out to music, and simply running out to interfere in a match, but that would - ironically - intrude on the next entry.
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.