10 Ludicrous Pro Wrestling Quirks

3. Distractions Always Work

As a general rule, in pro wrestling the art of the distraction is a fail safe idea by those pesky heels, who will stop at nothing to put their noses into the business of the beloved babyface. It happens so often in WWE, and beyond, that it's almost a given that when a rival's entrance music begins to play, the victim looks towards the stage, before being rolled up in a Schoolboy pin by his/her opponent. Even the good guys have used distractions to plot the downfall of their rivals, such as when the purely innocent Miss. Elizabeth shed her skirt, catching the attention of Ted DiBiase and Andre The Giant, all so Hulk Hogan and Randy Savage could capitalise at SummerSlam 1988. Wouldn't it be nice if the distracted wrestler was able to overlook the fact that his enemy has commandeered the production truck, blasting their music over the PA, and focus on the match at hand? Much has been written about how wrestlers are often written to look like complete idiots, oblivious to what fans are seeing, and this is just one small example of that.
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Triple H
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.