10 Magical Moments WCW Doesn't Get Enough Credit For
1. Diamond Dallas Page Defeating Randy Savage
When Randy Savage was wrestling on the card in mixed tag-team action, Diamond Dallas Page was driving a limousine for The Honky Tonk Man, Greg Valentine and Jimmy Hart at WrestleMania VI. Fast-forward 7 years, and Page was going nose-to-nose with Randy in a much-anticipated match on WCW's Spring Stampede 1997 pay-per-view.
Slotted in as the main event on the show, the pressure was on for DDP and Savage to deliver with their No Disqualification clash. For Page, this would prove to be a historic evening, one that helped launch him into the stratosphere as a major star in the wrestling world.
After 15 minutes of intense action, DDP pinned his mentor to bag the win. Draped across Savage, he later told how he thanked his peer for the match. This was heartfelt from Page, he realised just what it would mean to his career.
It's often said that WCW didn't make too many stars, but they definitely turned Diamond Dallas Page into a legitimate main event performer. This, along with the hard work of Savage that night, should never be forgotten.
What other moments do you feel WCW doesn't get enough credit for? Let us know what you think down in the comments section below!