10 Magical Moments WCW Doesn't Get Enough Credit For
7. An Injured Sting Beating Ric Flair
As mentioned before, 'Nature Boy' Ric Flair was the biggest star of the 1980's for the NWA. By 1990, it was deemed time to elevate someone to his level, and that man was Sting. Unfortunately, a serious knee injury temporarily derailed WCW's plans to have Sting defeat Flair for the World Title.
Still not at 100%, Sting went into The Great American Bash pay-per-view gunning for Flair's title. Fans were at a fever pitch, and both men produced an absolutely stunning match. Making things even more impressive, Sting's knee hadn't fully healed, but this was a moment he couldn't miss out on.
The chance to become a true main event star was in touching distance. When Sting reversed Flair's Figure Four and rolled him up into a Small Package for the count, the audience erupted. A new champion had been crowned, and Sting was all set to dominate the 90's.
Flair deserves praise for doing everything in his power to make Sting look like the man, fitting given his long-standing catchphrase.