10 Major Problems Facing WWE This Summer

7. Stick Or Twist With The Hardy Boyz?

Hardy Boyz Raw

Buzz has already started to wear off following The Hardy Boyz stunning return at WrestleMania, and this is part of a wider-reaching problem for WWE. Things move so quickly nowadays that it's hard for anything to shine for any longer than a few short months.

Come time for SummerSlam, a decision may already have been made about both brothers. News reports from The Wrestling Observer claim that WWE were only interested in signing Jeff before Matt's quite brilliant 'Broken' character took the internet by storm. Right there, WWE's creative minds have a path open to them.

It's stick or twist time with The Hardyz. Keep them ticking along as a nostalgic tag-team act or split them in favour of Jeff's main event run and Matt's descent back into comedy-laden madness - those are the choices. Such a schism must be triggered before it's too late though, otherwise fans will tire of a tag act that is quickly outdating itself.

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