10 Major WWE Superstars That Hated Shawn Michaels

2. The Rock

Shawn Michaels The Rock Dwayne €œThe Rock€ Johnson€™s inclusion on this list may come to the surprise of many. The supposed animosity between The Rock and Shawn Michaels was never highly publicized or discussed. However, dig deep enough and evidence of the bad blood between the two becomes evident. Reportedly, The Rock€™s dislike for Michaels stems from a time before Dwayne was even a part of the WWE. According to various sources, Johnson felt HBK was disrespectful toward his grandmother, Lia Maivia, who was promoting a show for Polynesian Pacific Pro Wrestling. What exactly the act of disrespect was is unclear, but it apparently so incensed a teenage Dwayne that he seriously contemplated getting physical with Michaels. Years later, The Rock found himself in the world of WWE and quickly ascended to the top. There are stories of Michaels supposedly attempting to use his influence with Vince McMahon to get bring the Brahma Bull€™s push to halt and instead, push Triple H to the top. There are rumors that HBK even tried to get McMahon to remove The Rock from the main event of WrestleMania XV and have him replaced by Hunter. During an interview with wrestling journalist Wade Keller, Johnson had little to say on the subject of Shawn Michaels. Though his curt replies tell much of the story. Keller asked The Rock for his thoughts on Michaels and if HBK was ever helpful to him or his career. Johnson responded with €œHe was not helpful to me. I never sought his help. I really have nothing to say about Shawn.€ When asked if he had any desire to work with Michaels should he return -- the interview took place before HBK€™s 2002 comeback -- The Rock stated €œNo, I have no desire to work with Shawn. None whatsoever.€ Reportedly, things have since been patched up between the two as they have been seen being cordial and friendly with each other in recent years. Still, it€™s somewhat shocking to learn of The Rock€™s dislike toward Michaels, simply because it was a subject so rarely broached.

Douglas Scarpa is a freelance writer, independent filmmaker, art school graduate, and pro wrestling aficionado -- all of which mean he is in financial ruin. He has no backup plan to speak of, yet maintains his abnormally high spirits. If he had only listened to the scorn of his childhood teachers, he wouldn't be in this situation.