10 Managers WWE Must Use

1. Christian - The Christian Coalition

enzo amore

Bobby Heenan was the greatest manager of all time, a sleazy former wrestler who was willing to use his extensive experience to help the worst people in the world succeed at pro wrestling. No one can replace The Brain, but one man has the skillset to come close: Captain Charisma.

Although he ended his career as a babyface veteran, Christian was always, always at his best as an impossibly smarmy heel, and one with comedy chops and serious promo skills. Strap a bedazzled CAPTAIN CHARISMA blazer on him and get him petitioning the GM for one! More! Match! (For his clients.)

Like Heenan, Christian's clients should contain not just undercarders, but main event threats as well. Men like Dolph Ziggler, Austin Aries, Braun Strowman, and Bobby Roode might not need a manager, but realistically, neither did Mr. Perfect, Rick Rude, or Andre the Giant. Sometimes, great heeling is about not needing help and taking it anyway.

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Enzo Amore
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Long-time fan (scholar?) of professional wrestling, kaiju films and comparative mythology. Aspiring two-fisted adventurer.