10 Managers WWE Must Use

2. Jim Cornette - The Revival

enzo amore

After nearly 15 years of hateful shoot interviews and acrimonious podcasts, Jim Cornette is back under the WWE umbrella. Officially, he came back to induct the Rock 'n' Roll Express, but those familiar with Cornette know that The Revival is responsible for even getting him to lay eyes on the product again.

You see, Jim Cornette, like every other wrestling fan with a functioning brain, knows that The Revival is the best tag team in the world. They don't need any ringside support, but neither did The Midnight Express. It's just another way for Dash and Dawson to take each and every liberty they can to keep themselves at the summit of the tag team mountain.

It would also be a fantastic swan song for Corny, who, for all his vitriol, has been a key figure in wrestling history and deserves one last run in the limelight. Some of his ideas may be woefully outdated, but fans will always hate a big-mouthed mama's boy.

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Enzo Amore
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Long-time fan (scholar?) of professional wrestling, kaiju films and comparative mythology. Aspiring two-fisted adventurer.