10 Measures WWE Can Take To Improve AWFUL Ratings
8. More Trolling

At this point, and there's no reasonable counterargument, it seems as if WWE is simply trying to test the patience of its 'Universe', on a voluntary basis...or otherwise.
Perhaps it is felt that fans prefer to actively hate WWE than to mildly enjoy it, and so the company proceeds to encourage that, week on week. This isn't as cynical a notion as it may seem. There is an in-built psychological precedent to this strategy. Take you, for example.
You can all f*ck off.
WhatCulture Wrestling - the negative channel - earlier this year released a glowing appraisal of the New Daniel Bryan. All the passion and insight that we hoped would illuminate Bryan's brilliance - and the gratitude we should all feel for him - didn't mean a thing. You didn't watch it. You instead watched editorials in which WWE was buried, justifiably, and then complained that our content isn't positive.
Jesus Christ, Vince was right all along. You people don't even know what you want!
So with this customer focus in mind, let's go ahead and fulfil the threat to award Shane McMahon with the WWE Championship.
Or, in a more on-brand move, book Lars "Some blacks want to take advantage of their great grandparent’s misfortunes, and they want a piece of the pity pie" Sullivan to put an end to KofiMania.