10 MMA Submissions That Are Almost Impossible To Escape From

6. Lord Collingwood

Gareth Neck Crank

This one is a Team Phoenix original so buckle up.

Matt took this move from the martial art known as Silat and adapted it for use in MMA.

He opted to call it the 'Lord Collingwood', to which most of his students (myself included) respond with the question: 'Who's Lord Collingwood?'

Well, the move itself involves getting your opponent in a half-nelson. Everyone is well aware who Lord Nelson is, right? He won the battle of Trafalgar in 1805. However, Nelson died in the first volley. So, Lord Collingwood then took over and he was from Newcastle. That's where Matt teaches and that's why he gets a move named after him. Simple.

Now, once you've locked in that half-nelson - which involves you hooking your arm underneath your rival's shoulder and pressing down on their head from behind them in the seated position - grab the arm which is suspended in the air and push their face into the mat.

Be sure to keep a full lock on their body with your heels crossed around their waist, and then slowly pull the arm you grabbed towards yourself and listen for a tapping sound.

When your legs are tightly clasped around the waist of your adversary and their arm is tied up like a pretzel, you can bet your arse that escape is pretty much impossible.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...