10 Modern Wrestlers And Their Old School Equivalents

3. Marko Stunt & Spike Dudley

Chad Gable And Kurt Angle

Marko Stunt and Spike Dudley are easily comparable as they both played the same role but in different generations.

The modern Mako Stunt is currently having a great time in AEW, but it mostly consists of him playing the absolute underdog who has the spirit to fight, but gets utterly thrown about the ring. Spike Dudley happened to do the same thing in ECW and WWE.

Before he retired from wrestling, Dudley was a great competitor, who often acted as brilliant enhancement talent. But fans were always behind him, which led to him being a rather popular attraction. His small stature and willingness to fight was clearly respected, and the things that bigger performers could do to him was unbelievably exciting to watch.

As compared to Dudley, Marko has the same backing from the fans. His absolutely tiny frame makes him a perfect target for larger superstars to chuck about the ring, but he never backs down from a fight, which gives him this admirable quality.

A small body, but a big heart, and the willingness to try and win, these are both factors of the AEW star and the retired WWE performer.


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