10 Modern Wrestlers And Their Old School Equivalents

4. Cesaro & Dean Malenko

Chad Gable And Kurt Angle

An incredible in-ring talent, who fans genuinely appreciate, but the company he works for don't seem to understand what to do with him because they believe he lacks that special something. Sound familiar? This description could easily pass for either the Cruiserweight star of WCW Dean Malenko or the current WWE performer Cesaro.

While working at companies like ECW and WCW, Malenko quickly impressed audiences with his technical wrestling skills and smoothness inside the ring. After he jumped ship from WCW to join WWE as part of The Radicalz, things seemed to be heading somewhere great. However, instead of being utilised as a legitimate talent, he was tossed around for a year in pointless stories that made him look foolish and weak.

Cesaro has had a strong tenure with WWE, having won many titles and been a part of some excellent matches. Still, fans everywhere are still clamouring for the Swiss Superman to gain a higher position on the card, thanks to his incredible technical wrestling skill.

Both Malenko and Cesaro gained the fans' respect, but it seems that the brass didn't have big plans for either of them.


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