10 Modern Wrestling Pops That Sent Shivers Down Your Spine

7. Enter John Moxley

roman reigns raw

AEW's inaugural pay-per-view, Double or Nothing 2019, had already been an excellent show, highlighted by the emotional clash between Cody and Dustin Rhodes. However, it needed that one moment to cap it all off, the image that would define the event as the beginnings of WWE first true rival in almost twenty years.

Then Jon Moxley came out.

In a moment reminiscent of Lex Luger appearing on the first episode of Monday Nitro, the former Dean Ambrose stormed to the ring to wail on both Chris Jericho and Kenny Omega, who had both just wrestled an excellent main event.

Moxley had been the one member of The Shield WWE had never quite been able to get right. Once seen as the most likely of the three to break out into superstardom, WWE continued to drop the ball with him time and time again. So often presented as an idiot who pushed hot dog carts, lost because of holograms and forgot about tv monitor wires, fans were thrilled to see The Lunatic Fringe reborn as Jon Moxley.

His appearance on the show marked AEW out as a force to be reckoned with, while generating a pop that matched among the greatest WWE have ever produced.

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Roman Reigns
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