10 More Wrestlers Who Perfected A Finisher On Its Owner

8. Yokozuna Drops The Leg On Hulk Hogan

Logan Paul

A few months on from providing The Grandest Stage of Them All with one of its most disappointing conclusions ever, then-WWF Champion Hulk Hogan once again found himself coming up against the dominant Yokozuna at King of the Ring 1993.

Only instead of managing to put away the all-conquering titan via his tried and tested Leg Drop (and a salty misfire) again in this 'Mania IX rematch, The Hulkster was stunned by an emphatic kick-out from his challenger.

Not content with merely powering out of the usually effective finisher, though, on the back of a fiery intervention from a "photographer", Yokozuna decided to let loose his own ridiculously destructive version of the colossal leg en-route to getting his strap back.

Sure enough, the sheer size of the monstrous sensation, and sight of such a larger than life limb crashing down from the heavens, left Hogan's own iteration of his signature crowd-popper looking positively inferior in next to no time at all.

And the impact was so sickening and devastating that it entirely obliterated Hogan from the WWF landscape for nearly a decade! That's one mean dropping of the leg, if you ask me.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...