10 More Wrestlers Who Perfected A Finisher On Its Owner

7. Darby Allin Swanton Bombs Jeff Hardy Into Next Week

Logan Paul

Dumping Darby Allin and Jeff Hardy into a singles match was always destined to end in absolute carnage.

Putting the always extreme pair in an Anything Goes environment was straight-up irresponsible.

That being said, it's still hard to argue against the face-painted former TNT Champion producing one of the most jaw-dropping moments in AEW history during said Dynamite car-crash back in May. (Yes, this happened in 2022!)

Using Jeff's own signature Swanton fall from up high against him in the thick of their Owen Hart Foundation plunder-brawl, Allin opted to typically take things up several notches by climbing the world's tallest ladder before crashing down on a wounded Hardy outside of the ring. Oh, and a Charismatic Enigma taking a breather in front of a collection of steel chairs, no less.

The end results were barbaric.

Hardy would also attempt his own signature Swanton Bomb onto his opponent later in the match, of course. Only to then crack his body in two on some steel steps.

And though Hardy would somehow seal the win in the end, there's no questioning that Allin got the last Swanton laugh with his dizzying and entirely dynamic rendition of the ladder senton.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...