10 Most Absurd Characters In WrestleMania History

5. Skinner

Skinner Wwf The early 1990s was a time of experimentation for Vince McMahon and World Wrestling Entertainment. Instead of focusing on crafting stories that fans could care about, the decision was made to create over-the-top characters in hopes of finding the next big thing. Some, such as The Undertaker, hit big but the majority proved to be miserable failures. Case in point, Skinner. In 1991, Steve Kiern arrived in the company. A former star in Florida and other territories, he was one-half of the Fabulous Ones with Stan Lane. The team was incredibly popular and won championships across the country. For whatever reason, though, McMahon had the brilliant idea to repackage him as an alligator hunter, complete with long hair, a shaggy beard, chewing tobacco and even an alligator foot warn around his neck. He was a cartoon character at a time when WWE was ripe with them. Needless to say, it did not get over with the audience. Sure, he wrestled a high-profile Intercontinental Championship match against Bret Hart at the This Tuesday in Texas pay-per-view in November of '91 but he fell rapidly down the card, becoming a glorified jobber in the same vein as a Virgil or Damien Demento. He did manage to make it onto the WrestleMania VIII card, wrestling Owen Hart in a match that he lost in less-than three minutes. And that was it. Outside of the occasional Royal Rumble appearance, he never again competed on WWE pay-per-view. How the character was even considered for a WrestleMania match is the real question. That his greatest offense in that contest was spitting tobacco juice in the face of his opponent only solidifies his spot on this list.

Erik Beaston is a freelance pro wrestling writer who likes long walks in the park, dandelions and has not quite figured out that this introduction is not for Match.com. He resides in Parts Unknown, where he hosts weekly cookouts with Kane, The Ultimate Warrior, Papa Shango and The Boogeyman. Be jealous.