10 Most Annoying Things In WWE Right Now

8. Roman Reigns Vs. Jinder Mahal

Jinder Mahal Roman Reigns

Look, Roman Reigns is done. Not as a main-eventer, mind you, the Big Dog still has his place in that food chain. But as the face of the company? WWE tried over and over the last few WrestleManias, and they had one more chance with this Brock Lesnar match... and then they squandered it. It's clear now that the best thing is to get the belt off of Brock and onto someone who actually has a chance of carrying the company forward (be it Rollins, Strowman, McIntyre, your nan's friendly neighbor... ).

For Roman, meanwhile, here's an opportunity to have him, while not the center of attention, at least be in something dynamic and interesting. Something that will wash the fans' palate after being force fed the Big Dog lunch for so long.

Instead, WWE are going into maximum overdrive with that lunch. Not only are they continuing to push Roman as the working class hero fighting the man (because that worked beautifully against Triple H), but now he's doing it against Jinder Mahal.

It's pretty safe to say that whole "Jinder Mahal's the only real heel left in the company because he gets real heat" argument is dead and buried in 2017. Jinder is just a b*llocks wrestler, and nobody wants to see him in 2018, let alone in a feud with Mr. Popular Roman Reigns.


A mystery wrapped in an enigma wrapped in bacon wrapped in wrestling listicles wrapped in tin foil wrapped in seaweed wrapped in gak.