10 Most Anti-Climactic WWE Moments Of 2017

4. House Of Horrors

Kurt Angle Jason Jordan Raw 2017

Last and by no means least in the Orton-Wyatt series, it's Payback's House of Horrors, a match so awful that even WWE will probably be cutting it from their Best Of 2017 Network special.

What's remarkable about it all is that, WWE having remained so tight-lipped on the details in the build-up, one of us went into the match with any real expectations. Most, in fact, took the sensible precaution of preparing themselves for something really quite silly.

What we got was worse than anything we could have imagined though. They didn't even rock up at the arena either, which meant that for those who paid their money to watch the fight it must have been at least 10 times as anti-climactic as it was for the viewers at home.

We're not exactly sure what we are asking for in its place, but given how poorly received the bug stuff was at WrestleMania, you'd think the writers would have thought better of revisiting the Bray is into really creepy stuff shtick so soon after.
