10 Most Anti-Climactic WWE Moments Of 2017

5. Bray Vs. Orton

Kurt Angle Jason Jordan Raw 2017

Our second stop on the Randy Orton-Bray Wyatt retrospective comes at WrestleMania 33 in Orlando, where The Viper captured the WWE Championship in what will probably go down as one of the most anti-climactic world title matches in the event's history.

That's really not an exaggeration. Plenty of other matches on the Grandest Stage of Them All have disappointed, but few of them did so off the back of such a long and seemingly well-mapped build-up. They had time to plan things out properly, and yet ended up giving us this.

The worst part is there was no sense that anything "went wrong" so to speak on the night itself. Both men did their usual thing in the ring (albeit perhaps not to the full extent of their abilities) and the company pulled out all the stops with its misjudged use of creepy crawler projections.

But by the end, you came away with the sense that everything we had been watching - and, in fits and bursts, enjoying - over the last few months ultimately meant very little. This was how the Eater of Worlds' first world title reign, the one we had waited so long to see, was going to end.
