10 Most Awesome Wrestling Moves Of 2015 (So Far)

5. The Doll House Put Awesome Kong Through Table

Similar to the Naomi and Paige scenario, a lot of folks may be shocked to see the likes of Taryn Terrell featured here, because she's never exactly been the best in-ring wrestler, even if she has improved immeasurably since leaving WWE in 2010. In TNA, the woman has flourished, and her on-going faction, The Doll House is very well done and adds a flavour that had been previously been missing from the Knockouts division in the promotion for several years. Awesome Kong had already worked her way into TNA folklore due to matches against the likes of Gail Kim years ago, but her feud with Terrell is also worthwhile seeking out. One of the most memorable moments this year for the promotion took place at a special Impact Wrestling taping in April. Initially, the show was supposed to be exclusively female, but TNA decided against that at the last minute. The females of the company would still steal the show, never more than when The Doll House trio blasted Kong with a Powerbomb from the top rope through a nearby table. It was incredible to see someone the size of Kong take the bump, and the wood promptly exploded. This was the debut of Terrell as the leader of the faction, and what a way to introduce that fact.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.