10 Most Badass Wrestlers On The Planet Today

9. Yoshiko

Kurt Angle Gold Medal

Are you a badass for intentionally brutalising your unwitting opponent, a wrestler who happens to suffer from an autoimmune disease that causes blindness in one eye? It definitely makes you a tough cookie, but such actions also call into question a person’s moral fibre.

The ‘Seisan Matchi’ (or ‘Ghastly Match’) is an infamous shoot fight that occurred between Yoshiko and Act Yasukawa in 2015. Without any warning or explanation, Yoshiko proceeded to beat the ever-loving tar out of Yasukawa, and although she attempted to fight back, Act was eventually rushed to hospital and diagnosed with fractured cheek, nasal and orbital bones.

The fight itself is a tough watch, and while Yoshiko has never explained her actions, many people have speculated that the beatdown was a misunderstanding, and that the match’s planned ‘worked-shoot’ elements simply got out of hand.

Either way, the beating (and Yoshiko’s cold indifference throughout) have marked Yoshiko as one of the toughest and most legitimately dangerous female wrestlers on the planet.

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Kurt Angle
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Liam is a writer and cranberry juice drinker from Lincolnshire. When he's not wearing his eyes away in front of a computer, he plays the melodica for a semi wrestling-themed folk-punk band called School Trips.