10 Most Believable WWE Finishers Right Now

7. Brogue Kick (Sheamus)

Sheamus Brogue Kick

A few jobbers earning last-minute SmackDown bookings at the Performance Center can probably attest that Sheamus' mighty 'Brogue Kick' is no joke. The Irishman positively creams whomever he's working with, and runs straight through them like a bulldozer breaking large chunks of concrete.

Poor Leon Ruff almost had his face compacted by Sheamus' boot on the latest episode. It's a total winner when he's this motivated, and when talents working with him don't turn their heads too much or shy away from the incoming kick. That, by the way, is perhaps easier said than done.

Sheamus has a vicious finish.

It always looks great, doesn't complicate things with too much of a jump and never really misses the mark. If he doesn't catch them flush on the jaw, he's booting sorry saps in the chest. If that fails, then he'll connect with their stomach and they'll probs sh*t their pants.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.