10 Most Believable WWE Finishers Right Now

6. Last Shot (Adam Cole)

Adam Cole Johnny Gargano Last Shot

Adam Cole's 'Panama Sunrise' is undoubtedly incredible to watch, and yet it's hardly believable that somebody would rotate that way without some sort of willingness on their part. No, the NXT Champ's place on this list is reserved for his 'Last Shot'.

Those who don't watch NXT much could recognise it as some sort of reversed version of Shinsuke Nakamura's 'Kinshasa'. That almost made it here instead, but there's something even more visceral about Cole's knee strike, maybe because it connects with the back of his opponent's head rather than to the face or chest area.

It always looks like a knock out blow.

Admittedly, the 'Last Shot' could do with a bit of protection. It shouldn't really be used as a transitional spot or near fall - not when it looks as dangerous as it does. The move carries the added advantage that Cole can use it on anyone of any shape or size.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.