10 Most Bizarre Cameos By Wrestlers On TV Shows

6. Roddy Piper - Robocop The Series

Booker T Scott Steiner Charmed
Rysher Entertainment

Roddy Piper was one of the first professional wrestlers to really sink his teeth into the entertainment industry at large, appearing in more films and TV shows than even Hulk Hogan. But Piper wasn't quite a movie or television "star" and many of his roles were a bit...questionable.

That certainly describes his appearance on the Robocop series, which was somehow both forgettable and wildly subversive, at least for a children's TV show. Piper plays Commander Cash, a wacko who believes he's a cartoon superhero come to life. On the surface, he seems like your everyday hero: cheesy, smiley, and constantly spouting virtuous one-liners.

But it turns out Cash is, unbeknownst to him, the figurehead for an evil corporation bent on world domination, a fact that's revealed when RoboCop discovers a nefarious side effect to the glasses that come free in every box of the Commander's new breakfast cereal. They basically hypnotize children into becoming rabid consumers of all things Commander Cash.

Piper wears a mask for 95 percent of the episode, which forces him to overact even more than he normally did. If it weren't for the frequent allusions to his most iconic movie, They Live -- the glasses make people view the world differently, after all -- this would only be watchable in a so-bad-it's-good kind of way.


Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.