10 Most Bizarre Cameos By Wrestlers On TV Shows

5. Shawn Michaels - Baywatch

Booker T Scott Steiner Charmed
The Baywatch Company

At first glance, the idea of Shawn Michaels appearing on a TV series like Baywatch might seem like a no-brainer. Like Baywatch, Attitude-era HBK was pedaling an extremely cheesy version of sexiness that struck a chord primarily with pubescents who had no access to smuttier content. Also, his wooden acting was a perfect fit alongside Pam Anderson and David Hasselhoff.

Playing a mafia goon who's sole reason for existing is terrorizing an old lady -- and who is very, very bad at it -- HBK displays absolutely none of the charm he was known for during his heyday. Instead, he operates the entire episode with his setting turned to "Flagrantly Awkward."

Honestly, if it weren't for delightful gifs like this...

Shawn Michaels Baywatch
The Baywatch Company

...And this...

Shawn Michaels Baywatch
The Baywatch Company

...His guest spot might have been a total waste of talent and time. So...ya know...thank goodness for this show's complete lack of concern for making incredibly charming people look like bumbling dum-dums.


Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.