10 Most Bizarre Cameos By Wrestlers On TV Shows

4. Brutus Beefcake - Thunder In Paradise

Booker T Scott Steiner Charmed
Lionsgate Television

Terry Bollea has always shown a rather strange level of favoritism toward Ed Leslie (aka Brutus Beefcake, aka The Disciple, aka The Booty Man). Friends in real life, Leslie was able to ride the Hulk Hogan coattails from promotion to promotion, ensuring himself constant employment despite his decidedly average abilities.

So once Hogan "retired" from wrestling in 1993 to try his hand at acting full-time, it would seem Leslie Beefcake Disciple Man was left out in open waters without a life vest. So naturally, it was only a matter of time until he joined Hogan on the set of his series, Thunder in Paradise.

Leslie hung around in the background of literally every episode of the show, usually alongside other wrestlers looking for some extra work (Jim Neidhart, Jimmy Hart, and even Sting appeared as a villain).

What becomes increasingly, painfully obvious, is that the writers on the show clearly had no need for Beefcake's continued presence, and only officially wrote him into the script twice over 12 episodes. The rest of the time he's just lurking in the background, literally hanging out in Hulk Hogan's shadow.

No other guest appearance on this list is quite as sad.


Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.