10 Most Bizarre Cameos By Wrestlers On TV Shows

3. The Rock - Hannah Montana

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Yes, even The Great One is capable of making some questionable decisions when it comes to which TV shows he lends his charms to. Case in point: His not-nearly-brief-enough guest appearance on Hannah Montana.

This occurred during that weird stretch when The Rock seemed to have sold his soul to the Disney Corporation, appearing in films like The Game Plan and Race to Witch Mountain, as well as every semi-popular sitcom on The Disney Channel, most of which were harmless little ink blots on his resume.

But this one...this one is a different beast.

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If you're one of the people who yearned to see Dwayne Johnson acting alongside Miley Cyrus...how did you escape from my nightmares? Also, kudos on falling into one of the most bizarre Venn diagrams in history.

The plot, in case you're actually wondering, finds Hannah embroiled in a tabloid scandal that requires her to score an embarrassing photo of The Rock, who plays himself, in order to keep a compromising photo of her own out of the papers.

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The Rock's appearance is mainly an excuse to paint his face with makeup and have him gesticulate like a drag queen caricature. It's embarrassing, not because he's covered in blush and a garish wig, but because he didn't have the sense to stay as far away from this as possible.


Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.