10 Most Controversial WWE Royal Rumble Moments Ever

8. Bret Hart And Lex Luger Become The Only Ever Co-Winners - 1994

If ever you need proof that Vince McMahon pushing 'his guys' down our throats is nothing new, just take on look at Lex Luger. With Hulk Hogan no longer around as he figured his time was better spent making cinematic masterpieces like Mr. Nanny, Vince appointed Luger as his new all American hero. The star spangled Lex even had his own bus, the Lex Express - where he would visit bald eagle sanctuaries and kiss babies (only American babies, though). Despite this, the powers that be couldn't look past the immense popularity of Bret 'The Hitman' Hart. Although he wasn't their textbook definition of what they considered the face of the company, he was immensely popular and had the merchandise sales to back it up. When it came to the main event of WrestleMania X, the company couldn't decide which babyface they wanted to challenge the dastardly Samoan-pretending-to-be-a-sumo-wrestler Yokozuna for the WWE Title. Instead of pulling the trigger and sending one man to the 'Mania main event, they bottled it and decided on having their very first (and only) ever Royal Rumble co-winners. The 1994 Rumble climaxed with Luger and Hart as the final two. Both men were eliminated together as both men's feet hit the floor at the same time. After a bit of bickering between referees, it was decided that the the two men were both winners. The crowd that were rooting for Hart groaned at the decision (see folks, this sort of thing has been going on a while), but all was made right when Hart went onto defeat Yokozuna and become world champion at WrestleMania. Still, at the time it was controversial - keen fans saw right through Lex's 'win'.

Music, wrestling and comic book nerd.