10 Most Courageous WWE Moments
3. Daniel Bryan's Inspiring Comeback
"Fight for your dreams and your dreams will fight for you".
Those were the words of Daniel Bryan on the 20 March 2018 edition of SmackDown. Just over a fortnight before WrestleMania 34, Bryan announced that he'd been cleared to wrestle again and planned to do so ASAP. It was inspiring stuff, especially when some were still reeling from his upsetting retirement two years prior.
The courageous thing here wasn't necessarily Bryan's in-ring comeback on WWE's biggest annual stage, nor was it even that hearty promo in March. Nah, it was his point blank refusal to give in over two agonising years, let injury have its wicked way and accept full-time that he'd never do what he loved doing again. That, above all the title wins and tales of unlikely popularity, will be the man's real legacy.
Daniel Bryan cut a dejected figure pushed into retirement when he depressingly admitted defeat in 2016. A little over 25 months later, he was as inspiring as ever, displayed his humility by thanking fans, WWE and his wife Brie, and was visibly fired up about wrestling once more.