10 Most Courageous WWE Moments
4. Steve Austin Walks Out With A Broken Neck
When the aforementioned Jim Ross referred to 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin as the "toughest son of a bitch" around, he wasn't making up a character in his head that'd get fans excited. Austin, as shown at SummerSlam 1997, was made of stern stuff.
Keep in mind that he had a broken neck when he hauled himself up off the canvas, held his Intercontinental Title aloft and then walked to the back. A broken neck. Much like Triple H's case, such an injury would leave most screaming, and it would certainly be the end of most careers.
Not Austin, he endured searing pain caused by Owen Hart's flunked Piledriver to prove his hardiness and (admittedly indirectly) allay fan fears that he was done.
Austin even finished the match, but it was more extraordinary that he was able to put one foot in front of the other and hold his body up to stroll out of the arena. In a moment of pure suffering, one of WWE's toughest showed serious balls.