10 Most DANGEROUS Wrestlers Ever

9. ‘The Fiend’ Bray Wyatt (2019)

Randy Orton WWE 2009

Obviously, WWE booking wrecked the initial dread of Bray Wyatt's own spin off, but it's easy to forget how magnificently-ominous 'The Fiend' was when the character first debuted on TV. It was a twisted blend of childish innocence and 'monsters under the bed' nightmare fuel, and it just worked.

At least for a while, anyway.

Bray hammed it up on the set of 'Firefly Fun House' by acting like a little boy lost in his own tortured mind. He was caught in limbo somewhere between the real world and the manifestation of spookiness 'The Fiend' brought with him. Looking back, the earliest knockings of Bray's work should be heralded as some of the best ever.

'The Fiend's' presence instantly brought fear, excitement and anticipation. The lights shut down one by one, some creepy sounds played over arena PAs, and then Wyatt's masked abomination attacked from the shadows. He brought danger like few others, then WWE lost interest and started mucking around with the character a little too much.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.