10 Most DANGEROUS Wrestlers Ever

8. Wrestling Machine Kurt Angle (2006-2007)

Randy Orton WWE 2009

He's going to twist your freakin' ankle off.

Kurt Angle was always one of wrestling's most versatile performers. He could be a super-serious athlete one minute, then the type who'd slip on a proverbial banana peel and do 'ha ha' the next. That range turned Kurt into a WWE legend, but GOOD LORD was his short-lived wrestling machine era awesome.

Angle jumped to ECW before leaving for TNA in 2006, and he brought an intensity that was unmatched on the roster. It was totally realistic when Kurt spoke of breaking ankles and enjoying everyone's suffering. The Olympian continued this to a point when he moved companies, but then eventually weaved more comedy into his work.

Between 2006-2007, many wrestling fans would've believed it had somebody told them Angle could rule the UFC. That sounds daft now, but it was a talking point at the time. For a spell, Kurt seemed like the most dangerous fighter on the planet, and that's a credit to his character work/presentation.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.