10 Most DANGEROUS Wrestlers Ever

3. Ken Shamrock (Generally!)

Randy Orton WWE 2009

"Ken Shamrock has snapped".

That sort of line from iconic announcers like Jim Ross helped Shamrock tenfold during his rookie year in the WWF. Here was a legit hard nut UFC fighter turned pro wrestler, and he was willing to play professional until opponents pushed him too far. Do that, and they'd be eating hospital food for weeks/months/years.

If Mark Henry's 'Hall Of Pain' facial expressions were special, then Ken's were next level. His eyes widened, his teeth bared, and veins would pop out from everywhere to remind people that Shamrock was ready for violence. His MMA history made it wholly conceivable that Kenny boy might rip someone's limbs clean off.

Check out SummerSlam 1997 for proof. There, during Shamrock's first PPV match vs. British Bulldog, he was mad at Davey Boy for smearing dog food all over him. Ken "snapped", and beat the shiny sh*te out of Bulldog, a number of refs and even other unmarked WWF officials. Nobody was going to stop him until he calmed down.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.