10 Most DANGEROUS Wrestlers Ever

2. Unmasked Kane (2003-2004)

Randy Orton WWE 2009

You'd think an expressionless monster like the masked Kane gimmick would be chilling enough. It was, but then the mask came off and Kane was somehow even scarier. WWE tweaked his character to become more perverse and threatening. In 2003, he was the go-to psychopath in pro wrestling.

Here's a short checklist of things Kane got up to.

He tombstoned Linda McMahon, set Jim Ross on fire, electrocuted Shane McMahon's testicles and laughed maniacally about all of it. When confronted, Kane would show zero guilt for his actions, and was booked to double down on the mayhem by inflicting even more misery. It was a sensational soft rebrand for the famous character.

Kane's icy stare and granite-like facials only added to the package. Splice in all of the brutal things he was capable of and you had a monster reborn. Fans never quite knew what Kane was going to do next, and that's why his 2003-2004 reign of terror deserves a place on this list.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.