10 Most DANGEROUS Wrestlers Ever

Danger danger! These wrestlers had an aura few others in WWE could match.

Randy Orton WWE 2009

Please Note: This isn't a list of the most dangerous wrestlers in terms of who injured people they worked with or had a sense of recklessness to their matches. Instead, it's a celebration of who carried the biggest kayfabe threat as a character. That's a special kind of aura, but it isn't confined to physical believability.

Some borderline cartoony gimmicks have been included because of the atmosphere and sense of danger their performances created/carried with them. For example, everyone watching knew something ominous was going to happen when the lights shut down and arenas were bathed in shadowy red lighting.

That was a cue for fans/wrestlers in the vicinity to start getting scared.

Other wrestlers seemed dangerous 'cause they carried an edge to everything they did. Some could snap at any moment, whereas a select few were booked to look totally in control of their sadistic behaviour. That only made them seem more threatening.

This is a light-hearted glance at wrestling's most dangerous, not a text-based takedown of anyone's fundamental in-ring skills or tendency to hurt others for real.

Aura is everything.

10. Cactus Jack (Generally!)

Randy Orton WWE 2009

Few characters carried a sense of danger like Mick Foley's alter ego.

Cactus Jack was a threat to himself as much as anyone else, and fans watching knew it. Ol' Cactus wouldn't shy away from breaking his own body just to inflict damage; Jack's elbow drops off the ring apron, iconic 2x4 wrapped in barbed wire and general violence made him feel indestructible.

There was something uniquely charming about all of this. Cactus wasn't presented as someone impervious to pain like Mankind, or even a fun-loving gimmick like Dude Love. No, instead, Jack was a lawless offshoot of Mick's personality, and he carried a sympathetic edge only babyface Mankind could match at his peak.

Everyone knew they were going to see some wild stuff whenever that guitar riff blared out. That was true in WCW as well as the WWF. The fact Eric Bischoff was alarmed by some of Foley's antics in Atlanta during the early-1990s says it all.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.