10 Most Dangerous WWE Raw Spots In History

5. Edge Spears Jeff Hardy Off The Ladder (18 Oct. 2000)

The night immediately following their legendary tag team ladder match at No Mercy, The Hardy Boyz and Edge & Christian were tasked with trying to recreate some of that magic on an episode of Raw. That's damn near an impossible feat, considering the toll the No Mercy match took on their bodies, but the Raw match still managed to feature this.

With Jeff Hardy dangling from the chain that held the Tag Team Championship belts, Edge ascends to the top of the ladder and spears his positively-soon-to-be corpse right to the mat, a solid 15 feet below. The move got a substantial pop from the crowd, but it didn't come close to reaching the level of electricity that was felt when the guys performed the exact same spot in their TLC II match at WrestleMania X-Seven. Must be something about free TV that takes away the excitement.


Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.