10 Most Deserving Ways A Vacant Wrestling Title Was Won

2. Randy Savage (WrestleMania IV)

Ric Flair WWE Debut

Of course, it isn’t quite the greatest one-night win we’ve seen. That honour is surely reserved for the Macho Man Randy Savage’s effort at WrestleMania IV. There, he defeated Butch Reed, Greg Valentine, One Man Gang, and Ted DiBiase on his way to WWE Championship success.

That may not have been the most decorated cast of supporting players, but it’s a far more worthy effort than that of fellow finalist DiBiase; the Million Dollar Man had received a bye in the semi-finals after the double disqualification of Hulk Hogan and André the Giant at the prior quarter final stage.

Admittedly, this tournament was technically the same length as that of the Rock’s: 16 men, four matches, all in the space of one evening. But I’ve given this one a slightly higher placing since it came on the grand old WrestleMania stage.

And even though many of the early-round matches weren’t all that memorable in the long-run, at least we saw a new face at the top of the pile as opposed to more from Hulk Hogan.

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Ric Flair
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